And, purely as a neutral, may I state that The Gendarmes rocked the joint.
Now I'm not very rock and roll (though perhaps more rock and roll than one of The Gendarmes, who spent part of the build up to the set commenting on Health & Safety arrangements at the venue) and I spent most of my teenage years in libraries. However, I found Camden Rock on Friday night to be a fairly epic experience. The cavernous, tight venue gave fine acoustics which did full justice to rhythm guitarist Jamie Woolams' earthy, raw voice.The set had a rapid quality which motored through some well known (and less well known) numbers.
A version of 'Day Tripper' had a particularly Lennon esque resonance. It gave the feel of an authentic, classic rock sound. Some friendly banter from the crowd, including a fairly irreverant shout of 'Play Gagnam Style' directed at lead guitarist Johnny Farrugia did not put them off their stride. Every song sounded well rehearsed and polished.
I would urge everyone I know to see these great blokes play their fine music. There was no pretention in the set, no sense of ego or entitlement came across in the delivery. It was four guys just playing good music amongst friends. An awesome night gentlemen. Well played.
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the photo used in this article and will remove it at the request of the rights holer.
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